Sunday, March 23, 2008

It is natural that we should rebel in this way

My socks are folded I enjoy everyone to come
have tea at our overlook the pond
is stocked with fishes. Soon the sun will
strike over us we will draw the awning put on
the new sunglasses I gave you.
Yesterday the big turtle dove into the
water from that log with new branches
growing from it
the dragonflies startled him look there
a big one lands near you.
Hold out your finger it may land and we will have
nine years of good luck my father's workers will bring
much grain and my brother will come home and
find a wife. I do not hear from my brother but one
letter he sent my mother kept under the
bed I found it last spring it said. He said he lives
under dirt and rests a knife under his
thigh when he sleeps now quiet the
sun is falling over the house and the trees.
Do you hear the birds get quiet?

I wish every day was this having tea with
you the
airplanes are so nice they will wait
until we finish and there is the turtle
again do you see him, there, there,

stretching towards the bank with
his mouth open.

1 comment:

thirdworstpoetinthegalaxy said...

Beautiful imagery — another gem. Love the line: "Do you hear the birds get quiet?"