Tuesday, November 24, 2009


the first time i said the word
my tongue felt heavy

like it had been shot
full of novacaine

& (in my
mind) my voice

sounded like a
slowed 33 lp--

a thick word
that tumbled


like a heavy boulder
it almost sounded


its not
& it isn't

its real
& i mean it

every time
i say


Monday, October 5, 2009

This morning I hear alarms softly going off.
I see gauges politely approaching areas demarcated in red.
I wonder what to do. I wait until the alarms
Are louder, but wonder if they get louder
Or if this is it.

Monday, September 21, 2009

From the Gradual

The continent in its creep (its
low gradual gear)
comes over across the sea.
The long aged water.
From the peak of the roof
I watch the waves slip in
their troughs and tumble
It all sounds like smoke - this
gimmick of earth.

Then the great Canadians crook
under the clouds
hemmed with their noise. This is
their season, and they know it.
They will tell you that
they come in on
the cold wind that comes in.

But the arrogance of their shadows
goes unnoticed on the deaf
gears that creep

this moment from hence to
forth, hence to forth.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Queen of S Words

Another Ondine talks to a fish
Beneath the Queen's chair
And whispers
Japanese Bath Houses

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Nature is Good

My name is Extra Gravy
And I'm an introvert.
This is my nature.
I am not broken.
I do not need to change.
I do not need to be more
like you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Animals The Animals

The hog-nose snake among the
Grape vines when
The dogs find him and
All his tricks

Puffed up like a cobra
In its hood
Rolled over in mock eternity
While the claws and the
Nails of the she-dogs
Ripped the grass
Around him

Until their interest slipped
Back to the
Squirrels among the branches
The opossum among the garbage
The sleep behind their eyes

And he slipped away with
His scales between the arbors
Of this crop, next
Year's crop,

The places where futures come

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

first thing i do when
i get to work is make a

three sheets of paper
folded in half & stapled
in the crease & i
try & write something--
i figure i have
12 pages

in between customers
i scribble something
kind of like
WCW but i
don't use prescription

sometimes i'll grab
a book of poetry &
skim poems & hope
for inspiration

lately, its been
that irascible
poet from the
west coast--

i've had three
false starts
so far

so i read
read about his
& womanizing & horsetrack

& look for inspiration

its not easy
trust me

Thursday, August 20, 2009

memories through typing

i'd like to go
back twenty years
& type this poem
on an eye-bee-emm
selectric typewriter

i have fond memories
of that heavy, blue,
metallic goliath

my mom worked
that thing over
like a pickpocket
in time square--
deft, subtle

she owned that machine

the staccato
machine gunfire
would echo through
the house as she banged
out that week's bulletin

the silver ping pong
sized ball looked like
a hammer smacking the ribbon

my father, in
the other room,
would finger-peck
his sermon into
existence &
then practice it
over & over again


out loud until he
had it mostly memorized
so he could
speak salvation
to his little country

next sunday

Making Weight

He sat across from nobody and
peeled the sandwich apart to
scrape off the peanut butter.
Except for the hint of peanut butter.
Then he ate the lonely bread
and drank four glasses
of water.

"The bread will expand in my
stomach, and I'll feel like I
ate more," he said white-faced.
Thin. Sick looking. Eyes dark.

A hooded sweatshirt running endless
laps in the gymnasium. Sweating out

He did not die that year. Or his junior or
senior year, even if his body
wanted him to. Even if it was
telling him to, he did not.
He spent the hot and cold months
throwing his body against the walls of
youth and succeeding and failing.
Endless running in a sweatshirt.

These things sent him
into college, where he studied and
After graduating he
designed a lever that goes in the air conditioning
of your car.
All cars have them now. All cars have
them now.

He became wealthy. He could afford all
things. A wife. Children.
He found the way to excess.
The years spread out before him with
colors and reasons and the
vagueness of eternity made its whispers.

Now he lives alone in northern Michigan,
With everyone else.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


i stared at
myself in the
mirror the other


so fat i had
faint purple
stretch marks
by my navel

my red birthmark
that covers my
belly & dips between
my legs looked
like a red flesh balloon

my hair greasy
& uncombed

i looked like a bum:
something a dog
would nose once
turn & bury

i looked like i'd just
come down from a
three day drunk

my eyes were
somewhat bloodshot
& rimmed
in dark shadow

teeth filmy
mouth sour

a mess


perhaps these are not poetic times at all

i watch the
disgusts me

watch tv:
nauseates me

bores me

maybe mom is right
maybe i am depressed
i don't feel it, though

its just this whatever
it is-- i must sound so

i dunno

heaven forbid


maybe it really is
like giovanni


maybe these aren't


at all

Saturday, August 15, 2009

What did I learn?

I don't really know.

I could make something up.

I'm clever enough

to make it sound good

but not too good,

still believable.

Truthfully, I don't know

if I learned anything at all.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

skeleton horses pull treasure chests
on rickety wooden wheeled carts
in the damp dank basement
beat the dead horse

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The years are clicking in the rocks
in my shoes
your voice
your voice is a limb
scaping the window
while the wind blows the
snow across
my eyes. I do not see.
There is
the points in my feet
and the sound while
the minus
is everything else.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I'm not all of America
not even a good representation
of normal. Just one person
maybe a little strange, and
certainly not that important,
but i still feel responsible
for what we do.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

is a pretty big word
close calls near misses
new momma nearly bleeds to death
on your watch
boy falls 3 stories from rooftop
lands on broken feet
broken axle, switchback roads
back then forth
toddler wanders off in a foreign land
crowded marketplace
you were
you could
you knew better
is a very big word

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


outside through a(rain
window on the


grey sky
grey rain

down below
someone walks

an orange
& white

umbrella breaking
the grey tableau


Do you ever feel like a solid old car
with rust damage along the bottom;
with corrosion caused by salt;
caused by solutions?

Monday, May 4, 2009

There really is no hurry.

It feels like it, yes,

But feelings are often wrong,

And trust is easily misplaced

In warm colors and 

confident hands.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Hello (echo)

I really miss reading your posts.  

Friday, April 17, 2009


- Pot pies heat longer at altitude, 

same bright chicken though, same warm gravy.

- Amped up on home made coffee, 

feeling dark roasted,  feeling quite shiny.

- Lunching early today with easy thoughts,  

the work goes down smooth, undisturbed.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

- Coffee steaming next to laptop, 

daily news rattles like city traffic .

- Tired eyes and aching body hold

a mind, not on fire, but smoldering.

- Kindling carefully applied and a soft 

exhale, seeking to breathe flame back in.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

In My World

he had green eyes
like a cat with white fur
i followed him across a field
meadow grass, wildflowers
linen shirt, arms- castle wall strong
he saw me watching
as he
moved the ground
beneath me
and opened his mouth to speak
yellow butterflies
fell from his lips
and then they flew away

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Inspired by DWC's Poem

I too am a cliche:
programmer by profession
intellectual by habit
anti-social by nature,
contrasted with a desire
to be accepted.

I am also not a cliche,
but to an unkind eye
with little patience
to gather understanding
I would certainly appear
well defined.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

untitled: a study

realized today

that i am
the cliche

a librarian:

two cats
who has a

penchant for


blue) the brown


balled up
& cast

on the


my car

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

everything is aging
wearing down
and patiently

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Now What?

Its temporary;
silent space since you have gone
empty room,clock sound

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm lying again-
it's beautiful, beautiful
the tropics on fire.
the winds recover
between the alleys and blow
all hell in the streets.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


wind blows hard tonight
sounds like a train goes by here 
door hinges rattle

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the greens grow over:
I walked with you in that field.
The evidence fades.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The world is ending,
well, only mine. You go to
Kansas. Don't come back.
It's not so funny -
awake still with your dreams gone
away with someone.
crawl under the fence:
this field is where my dad found
corn roots in a skull.
silly old teeth bounce
around her mouth chewing grapes
before they're champagne

Monday, February 2, 2009

Winters Muse

Saturday, January 31, 2009

dead homey shot

new bottle of jim

place it on the
kitchen counter

(label side out)
stand back

breath deep

say silent prayer for
those that went
to the other side
before you &
before their time

get shot glass
place next to jim

say silent prayer for
those that went
to the other side
before you &
before their time

twist the top
grasp bottle by neck


close bottle top
stand back

say silent prayer for
those that went
to the other side
before you &
before their time

take shot in hand
take shot in mouth


say silent prayer for
those that went
to the other side
before you &
before their time

(in memory)

Monday, January 19, 2009


are you guys ready to start writing again yet? I have been thinking we should write a long poem. together and all. so, somebody start the damn thing and we should all pick up and play along. call it part I, II, etc......
that's my idea. it's my 3rd idea this year.
so, like I was saying, somebody start it.