Thursday, August 20, 2009

memories through typing

i'd like to go
back twenty years
& type this poem
on an eye-bee-emm
selectric typewriter

i have fond memories
of that heavy, blue,
metallic goliath

my mom worked
that thing over
like a pickpocket
in time square--
deft, subtle

she owned that machine

the staccato
machine gunfire
would echo through
the house as she banged
out that week's bulletin

the silver ping pong
sized ball looked like
a hammer smacking the ribbon

my father, in
the other room,
would finger-peck
his sermon into
existence &
then practice it
over & over again


out loud until he
had it mostly memorized
so he could
speak salvation
to his little country

next sunday


ds said...

that's a nice one

Alijah Fitt said...

love it and the IBM selectric- wow what my grandmother could do with it.

Extra Gravy said...

I miss my Brother typewriter - hadn't thought of that machine for a long time.