Sunday, January 16, 2011

With words like 'terror,' and
'History' can you reduce
Other words like 'Leopold,' and
'Milosevic' to thoughts that will
Slip between your fingers?
That they would fade away?

You've read it in a book, and promised
To bring it up to people
Who will appreciate the atrocities
In a heartfelt manner.
Even if they are drinking white wine.
Then drive home.

Something about Rwanda?

Sleep with beautiful women all the time.
Millions of them.
Until it refuses to end.
The heartfelt atrocities here
That don't kill many people.
My beautiful vehicle.

Refusing to breakdown bones although
They are breaking.
Muscles cramp like steel.
There are other traumas and atrocities
To consider
That can be reduced from
A score of charts
To laconic chords,
Or 'terror,'
Or 'history.'

Somewhere the garden,
Somewhere the trumpet,
And neither being played.

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