Saturday, December 3, 2011


my mom was cut
low by

mantel cell lymphoma
blastoid variant

on five november
at 1015 am

she was already
gone by the

time i got to
the hospital

i got to her room
& she was alone


still warm
her mouth open

eyes closed

the sun was shining
through the window

i kissed her forehead
slid my fingers through

her hair
held her hand

sat in the chair
next to her bed

sat quietly

pulled the sheet over
her chin

raged a little against

but then remembered
st paul:

where is your sting
oh death?

my mind turned to the

a feeling of peace &
comfort filled me

she was out of pain
& no more fear

death: a blessing
the curse of sin



Sparrow said...


DaniellaLove said...

thats so are really good.

Anonymous said...

(Hugs) Sorry for your loss. I, too, lost recently. My foster Dad that I lived with for 8 years died on Jan 2 this year. I miss him deeply as I'm sure you miss your beloved Mom. My prayers are with you.

Becky said...

Thats a beautiful piece. Sad and personal, but beautiful.