Thursday, June 21, 2007

the last eggshells here in this place 6/21

last day at my job, longest day of the
year, and almost six years at
this place.

I am waisting time.

it is the longest day of the year, the sun will
shine forever on today. this is
a little longer than on most

I could talk about horrible and things I've
had to do at this job, I could fill poems of
it. I have filled poems of it. but that would make
it seem like I learned something.
no. I'm going to do something very similar at
somewhere else. I learn nothing.
different but the same. and
they didn't even throw me a party. almost
six years and no party. there was a
Dr. that was here for like 2 years and she got a
party. I came in at the end of the day and
ate some of her pizza. shit.

everything is off the walls.
in my mind, a party could have
redeemed this place and me in
my head. I think I will drink a whole
bottle of champagne tonight and
have a giant cigar. I will have a good
dinner. the stars will
whirl around and land
on some new fortune for me
after the sun returns to the
short days.


1 comment:

thirdworstpoetinthegalaxy said...

I remember seeing this, but I must've missed it.