Saturday, June 9, 2007


this is the eggshells (just have drank)

And now, no more family members to
Exploit - I have created everyone I can
Imagine. A family tree hangs in our office. The
Immediate mother is dead. There is no
Reason to invent aunts. One uncle
Hangs. But he is fleshed out, and I have finished a
Bottle of scotch with this thought in my head...
All the family is over.

All the family is over. Now we invent new.
You - you invent new.
This place is beyond cousins. Invent
Fish. Invent lines. Invent elk.
Invent looking up from the marshes with a
Mouth full of reeds and wet
Food. See that I am chasing you.
I look for you and future that is
In your gut. I am thirst, hungry.
You beautiful. I can eat you for a week.

Tomorrow morning I am to
Fish - with human on the edge of
Water. The world gets small.

I jig and spin.
I reel and jerk.
I accurate.

(we don't catch what we eat I'm drunk it's past late
night looks in the window no more wind I no good
at fishing this is the long day tomorrow I work six days
of work one of rest I rest much longer than one
day) forever.

The family

The family
Rests beneath us.
Dust settling on country. Gravestones and
Windowsills. Blow in the spring. Go in the
Fall. Our back is acres.

Please remember
I have no future and know only what I
Remember. The night is
Just outside.
Everything else is
Under and under. Leaves

ds - from the bottom of scotch.


thirdworstpoetinthegalaxy said...

I always enjoy your poems, so you probably tire of the praise. Thinks it's your use of language -- scotch or no scotch -- that always strikes me.

"All the family is over."

Love that line.

Had difficulty with the parenthetical stanza, but I read it over and over and think I'm getting it now.

ds said...

I half forgot about this post - I was pretty well snookered when I posted it (on sponatneous eggshells). whinced through most of it in rereading it. well, parts of it stand - I guess. whince. I'm not sure I remember what I remember.
