Friday, February 29, 2008

mourning thoughts

the tired slips
around me like
a large unseen

wrapping me
slowly squeezing

eyes droop
i feel numbed

these last weeks
have taken me

i sleep, fitfully
wake up drink coffee
eat a bagel
get dressed

i try not to
dwell on him not
being here any more
except in my mind's eye

i don't cry, though
i find myself looking
for him

i look at his bookshelves
afraid to touch one
leave things the way they are

let things rest
its too early for
things like that
cleaning out
removing the leftovers
he's still in
those leftovers

so i mourn, in my
own way not with ripping
of clothes or gnashing of teeth
but through thought &

DWC 2008


paisley said...

that is numbing.. the grief so palpable you can feel it wrapping around you...

thirdworstpoetinthegalaxy said...

Sometimes, and for some, the only way to mourn is to turn into that monster you describe here. Glad to see that thus far you're coping in a way most conducive to honoring your father's memory.