Thursday, June 26, 2008


To some, it is a dog in hell.
And others: an exploding cigar,
cholera, a battlefield.

[Forgive the crudeness of that last one;
I have run out of rehearsed sarcasm.]

But that, as they say, is only the beginning

[Or the end.]

& verbs
It is an old window, where the blinds
have finally been lifted

[2 months from the day they
were drawn]

It is an aging man who exits a door —
hideous and green —
carrying the television set
left by a prior tenant.

[And with it: three Christmases,
Strange Brew and countless five
dollar pizzas]

It is the widow, cantankerous,
who stole a past life from the

[And the girl who relives it
at every neighborhood
garage sale]

It is that old chair,
indented and warn

It is a glass door
with a torn reflection

It is...

A string that pulls
until it breaks.

[Only to be pulled

It is...

Days upon days
of stories

[Without a soul
to tell]

It is...

The inverse of all
of these things

[all that is and
never should


Oberon said...


ds said...

I held off on reading this until I thought I might be in the right sort of mood. well, today. it's good, thirdworst. it reads from inside. this is the place for ideas from self.

Alijah Fitt said...

I too love this, "It is the widow, cantankerous,
who stole a past life from the
in the verb sense

domboy said...

I guess love is different things to different people. Has anyone told Disney?