Monday, September 3, 2007

dearest third worst - response to your latest blog entry

I notice how well
you create people's lives
their face or
something you see in
their eyes. What
you wonder and what you
create. The difference (I think) between us
is you start in
real and drift to imagine. I
start somewhere else and have
less questions. I know less also; only

Your town is three or four hours from mine.
The road is
made of kilometers.
I am afraid of your town, but only
because I have been there. This town
has people. I drink them. They sell me things
and smile or don't.

The world is the same everywhere. We
make our worlds from the world. Then talk
about it somewhere else.

It is time I come to bed. It is tired here.
In the morning
we will carve the earth and
form it into the
shape of


Alijah Fitt said...

Outside DS and Third Worst, no other poetry ever need be written

ds said...

bull... but thanks


thirdworstpoetinthegalaxy said...

How is it I didn't comment on this? I loved it. Maybe from there I just wasn't sure what to say.