Monday, January 7, 2008

this page unintentionally left blank

part i
when you are a writer
you never know when
you'll be called to act:

in your car...
at a busy restaurant...
alone on the train...

so you stuff notebooks
everywhere (in case of

and scribble furiously
whenever the muses
so require

but then some days
there are no words;
only sights and sounds

and thoughts so
quick that by the time
you grab for paper

there is nothing to say

part ii
today, driving, the
universe came to me
at a red light

and disappeared with
a green. i turned,
despite myself,

by blank pages


ds said...

back on collins?

loofrin said...

i hate it when that happens. nothing more frustrating.

Alijah Fitt said...

You did a good job with what you had though

Metamorfose Ambulante said...

beautiful inspiration by the sight of so much nothingness. if it only worked this way all the time.