Sunday, December 30, 2007

late night poem

late night
early morning

a bottle of beer
the sounds of
'Trane & Monk
spill out of my
radio speakers

the light from
a fat white candle
flickers as a
soft subtle winter
breeze blows
through my opened

& my cat watches the
shadows dance
on the wall



ds said...

the house I bought has an old high tv antenna shooting like a tower into the neighborhood. I should learn how to pirate a radio signal and broadcast grainy recordings of monk et al.

loofrin said...

i was listening to a cd of a long "lost" concert that 'Trane and Monk did at Carnegie Hall. I think Coltrane and Monk have a part in world peace. I really do.

Alijah Fitt said...

nice image and background music

thirdworstpoetinthegalaxy said...

I swear I could watch my cat watch shadows while listening to good music for hours.

I'm such a cat lady.