Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I am Peter

well thirdworst - you know me... life through contradictions and all that. I think it's mostly because of the Gemini thing. I mean, I don't believe in it, but it means a lot to me. so anyway... I wrote this in response - thanks.

I am Peter

I am Peter. Well, that’s not my name, but
I am Peter. I had a bag of Chee-tos and scrambled
Eggs for breakfast. Last night I drank two of my
Old man’s beers. Now I will tell you why I
Hate the world.

Everyone always said that I should do something.
Everyone always said that I should do something.
I got both kinds of grades in school. I liked a
Couple of girls who didn’t like me. I got in
Fights because I talked slow and most
Everyone hated me. Then
School was over and I didn’t want any more
School. My mom coughed a lot then
She died. Everyone was so damn sad and
My uncles yelled at my grandma. My aunt
And cousins from New York New York sent me
A card that I couldn’t read because they write
So sloppy. You would think for once they could
Print or something. Everybody in my
Family writes ugly. That’s why I don’t write.

My old man works a lot but he tries to take me to my job some
Mornings because I hate the bus and I complain about
It a lot.

My old man works for the union and makes houses. The
Union sucks. They take all his money just for nothing
And he gets nothing out of it. He could make a hundred
Dollars more a week but they won’t hire without the stupid
Union. I hate the union. I’ll never work for the
Union. My old man sleeps in his chair every night.

When I look everything has a glare. It’s all dull and fuzzy.
It gives me headaches but if I breathe through my
Mouth it doesn’t hurt as bad. I hate work. But I have to
Go because I get paid money so I can buy something
Somebody told me about. I think I have insurance, so
I don’t have to pay to see the Dr. or if I fall or something.
I hate all the customers. I made the store give me a new
Name tag because I didn’t want anybody to know my name
Because I hate them. I wish they could buy everything
On the computer so they wouldn’t bother me. Then I could just
Get a job on the computer. My uncle that lives with us
has a job on the computer. We used to have a dog.

There. That’s why I hate everything. I want
Everybody to shut-up. And if I said the rest of
It, then you’d just tell someone else. And they
Wouldn’t give a damn but they’d tell someone
Else then everyone would know. And everybody
Would want to look in my window and talk to me.
Well I just want the shade down and everything fuzzy
And to drink my old man’s beer after he’s asleep and
The warm world quiet outside the door outside the door.
